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Dog or bitch

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If you want to get a dog or rescue from the shelter, the breed is sometimes already and it is only the matter of sex. There are many different and conflicting opinions of dog owners and breeders. Finally, it comes to a new family member who should fit with the right temperament for the family as a companion. The following properties are based on that the dog was not spayed.

Advantages of bitches

  • Family-friendly
  • Affectionate
  • Softy
  • Better manageability of linen
  • Easier to educate

Disadvantages of bitches

  • Concurrency
  • Cause more dirt

Benefits of males

  • Active
  • More confident
  • An impressive
  • An independent
  • Vigilant

Disadvantages of males

  • Worse lines between
  • Aggressive
  • Pronounced sex drive
  • Harder to educate
  • Stray

Wild dogs belong to the order of the predators and organise the wolves in packs, like your ancestors. Dogs taking over different tasks. Bitches and young dogs to operate within a small radius and have mostly tasks within the own territory, such as the rearing of puppies. Males take care of the border outside of the territory and worry more about the safety.

Domestic dogs are dogs that are accustomed to living with humans and its society. Thus, the domestic dog against wild is delineated living, Feral or stray dogs, also domesticated, but are not adapted to the human social standards. Thus, one can derive the rules of wild dogs directly on trained House dogs, but there are many patterns that shape the dog.

What is the behavior fits the male or the female?

Dog meets a male

  • Increased display pattern
  • Upright speed
  • Tense posture
  • Highly exalted rod
  • Marking territory
  • Some aggression, for example, if a bitch in heat in the vicinity
  • Not mature or neutered dogs (0.5 to 2 years) are more likely to play instinct

Male meets a female

  • Males are always subordinates and have a strong sex drive
  • Not bitch: the dog is fine linen responsive
  • Bitch in heat: the dog is hard linen responsive
  • Not mature or neutered dogs (0.5 to 2 years) are more likely to play instinct

Bitch encounters a bitch

  • Bitch in heat: the bitch is hard linen responsive and can react aggressively
  • Not bitch: the bitch is fine linen responsive
  • Bitches are walking an average 2 times per year
  • Little bitches are older bitches plus certain breeds only 1 time per year 3 times, läufig
  • A dog has no menopause. The pauses between the heat are always greater in the age
  • Not mature or spayed bitches (0.5 to 2 years) are more likely to play instinct

Of course there are exceptions, but there are quite gender-specific properties that define the dogs. Depending on the breed there are significant differences. So, a bitch of a fighting dog breed is clearly dominant and aggressive as a male from a grown up lap dog breed.


Dog or bitch in dealing with puppies

Male dogs and puppies

Although males of less with educational tasks involved, you deal yet to the puppies, to prepare them for later life. During pregnancy, the male remains responsible for ensuring area. Once but the puppies are born, the male engages after 1-2 months in the education at the earliest.

He exercises a playful different situations with the offspring that must then retrieve them in adulthood. The dog trained hunting games with his puppy at an early stage and sets limits so that is aware of everyone in the pride of his role and responsibilities.

Female dogs and puppies

The first two weeks after the birth of the puppies are very needy. The main activity of the puppies consists of eating and sleeping. The bitch is constantly at the puppy and lovingly takes care of this. With their tongue massage on the abdomen of the puppies, it stimulates the puppy to urinate and Spinifex. This is also all precipitates. This helps not only the puppy, but also the camp keeps clean.

After 3-4 weeks the puppies begin to explore their surroundings, the bitch occasionally briefly participates in the Pack life and others will start to allow the contact to the puppies. From the 4th to 6th week the male engages then sometimes.

Dog owners with dogs or bitches

Females and women

Bitches in women often try this in your favor to manipulate. You can often find behaviors with a certain denial that the bitch tries to improve their position in relation to the Botoxed. Because women are usually sensitive and compassionate than men, quickly recognize the pattern of manipulation and can counteract this. It is however often vociferous conflicts.

Dogs and men

Quiet and balanced men cope very well with females. The bitch watching him and follows him at every step. She is constantly in his presence and he often don't realize the bitch like him with your trusty views influenced. Dominant men, however, are never questioned by a female and they quickly submit the man. May cause but also easier in the relationship scenes of jealousy towards other people and dogs.

Males and women

As a woman you must the males make it clear that they act independently and tolerate no unwanted interference from him. If you do not clear from the beginning that him, he can become an annoying and jealous guards. Males are faithful companions of your dog, tend to exaggerate the protective instinct but quickly.

Boys and men

Men choose a male often. As testosterone driven man searching the challenge to clear the limits set in the males. The fun is the combined in the permanent force measurement and playful test limits. The self-confidence of the holder is not large enough for the breed, the male quickly takes over the role of Pack leader.


While males are year-round subordinates, interest of the bitch to the mating is limited to only a few days in the year. During the season, females show even similar behaviors, is to observe how they otherwise only sexually motivated males.

  • Frequent marking, some also with a raised leg
  • Clear self-expression
  • Display pattern
  • Wandering in search of a partner

Apparent pregnancy

If the pairing doesn't take place during the season, the nature has provided in the so-called apparent pregnancy. The prolactin levels, which can grow among the teats and can produce milk increases the lower progesterone secretion at the end of the season. Many bitches let neither physically nor mentally on the gestation of the Bill itself. Some bitches show changes in behaviour such as nest-building drive, strong inertia, agitation and lethargy in the time. It's can also occur that the bitch kept toys or other items such as puppies and defended.

While males carry mostly fights, which serve the rank order, bitches fight over the privilege, to reproduce and to give birth to puppies. When it comes but a such, sexually motivated clash in bitches, then is usually aggressive and dangerous. Other disputes to toys and others happen regardless of gender and can, depending on the situation and dog, both mild as also seriously fail.


Who his bitch are prone to not want to leave, which can be neutering them at the vet. This removes the ovaries and she will no longer heat. After surgery, the bitch is no longer apparent pregnant, which also is a strong motivation for some dog owners and reduces additional health risks. The behavior is freed from the hormonal influences and also balanced so that after the castration within the family and other dogs compared with.

The castration of the testosterone-driven deep-seated males performed by dog owners, to free him from his constant drive and provide quieter. The operation is to intervene in the hormonal balance, but is useful for some animals to frustrate them to permanently. When males over months not come to the deck Act, more and more frustration builds up, which can discharge energy in the encounter with other dogs and people. A castrated male is clearly balanced after the procedure.


In the selection of a new family member you must be very aware, what you would like to record the dog in the family. Basically, a neutering of the dog makes sense if there are children in the family. Otherwise, a bitch for cozy family life is usually always something more suitable than a male.

For individuals and couples, the temperament and the purpose determines the sex of the dog. Who wants to explore especially much infighting and borders, takes a male, otherwise better a bitch.

Regardless of the gender, the race of course has the greatest influence to purchase. A herding or guard dog is good at the guard of the area. A hunting dog a great, active Companion. In addition, it is important to know how the mother dog was kept. Much stress, as for example with the mass confinement of dogs in small spaces, can influence on the temperament of the puppies have. Especially during the pregnancy and the puppy stage, the stress can affect the development of the puppies.

Who is not sure, should get advice from independent consultants such as dog trainers.

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Alles für den Hund von Amazon


Sunday, 17 February, 2019 - 15:49

Hi Anne,

Lange Haaren und Allergien im Allgemeinen haben keinen Zusammenhang. Es gibt Hunde, die haaren kaum und es gibt Hunde mit kurzem Fell, die extrem viel Haare verlieren. Allerdings gibt es Hunde, dir für Allergiker geeignet sind. Diese Hunderassen haben langes und kurzes Fell. Die Länge des Harrkleids macht da keinen Unterschied. 
Bekannte Rassen dafür sind Schnauzer, Terrier, Nackhunde und Wasserhunde. Das sind in der Regel eher kleinere Hunderassen, aber es gibt auch Kreuzungen, mit den guten Eigenschaften der Allergiker Rassen. DIe Kreuzungen findest Du aber eher selten in Tierrheimen ...

GLG Enes

Anzahl an Kommentaren: 4
Wednesday, 4 September, 2019 - 22:04


Unser Hund musste erstmal an das Fahrrad gewohnt werden. Anfangs mochte er das Fahrrad nicht mal in seiner Nähe und hat es angebellt. Zu der Zeit dachte ich erstmal das wird nie was. Wir haben ihn dann aber mit Leckerlis jeden Tag an das Fahrrad gewöhnt und irgendwann hat er sogar das Beissen in die Leine am Fahrrad sich abgewöhnt. Wir haben ihm die Leckerlis immer auf der rechten Seite des Fahrrads gegeben und ihn so an die Seite gewöhnt, die vom Verkehr abgewendet ist.

Dann haben wir mit einem Aufmerksamkeits Befehl "Nelly Achtung" immer angekündigt, dass er auf mich achten muss, um einen Richtungswechsel oder einen Stop zu erkennen. Das Ganze natürlich erstmal au Feldwegen geübt und dann nach ein paar Wochen auch mal kurze Stücke im Stadtverkehr. 

Das hat gut geklappt bis jetzt, aber wir sind am Überlegen, ob ein Klicker jetzt vielleicht mehr bringt.

GLG Lisa

Anzahl an Kommentaren: 3
Saturday, 16 March, 2019 - 22:17

Wenn ihr öfters mit Fahrrad und Hund unterwegs sein wollt, dann gibt es noch einige andere Dinge, die man ausserhalb des Trainings beachten sollte. Eine Wasserflasche für den Hund finde ich am wichtigsten. Dann solltet ihr grosszügig je nach Trainingsstand des Hundes alle 15 Minuten mal eine Pause für ihn einlegen und ihm Wasser anbieten.

Wir nehmen ausserdem immer ein Notfallset für uns und den Hund mit. Es kommt immer wieder mal vor, dass sich unser Hund an den Pfoten verletzt und wir ihm die Pfoten verbinden oder zwischendrin reinigen müssen.

Grüße Juliane

Anzahl an Kommentaren: 3
Wednesday, 1 May, 2019 - 22:00


lange Haare bei Hunden sind in jedem Fall aufwendiger als Hunde mit einem Kurzhaarfell. Das absolute beste Beispiel meiner Meinung nach ist Gassi gehen während schlechtem Wetter. Jeder Hundebesitzer weiss wie intensiv Hunde mit einem nassen Fell riechen können. Hunde mit kurzem Fell schütteln sich ein bis zwei Mal und haben nur noch ein leicht feuchtes Fell, welches innerhalb von einigen Minuten trocknet. Hunde mit langem Fell brauchen ohne intensives Trocknen Stunden bis sie wieder richtig trocken sind. Das kann in einem regnerischen Herst dann schon Mal anstrengend sein.

LG Jileen

Anzahl an Kommentaren: 4
Sunday, 20 January, 2019 - 17:26

Hi zusammen,

wir haben mit unserer Weinmaranerin zuerst in der riesigen frei zugänglichen Baumschule bei uns geübt. Ich fand es ziemlich hilfreich einen Platz in der Nähe zu finden an dem mit dem Fahrrad gut üben kann und es nicht total überfüllt ist. Sobald sie gezogen hat hab ich Nein gesagt und angehalten. Das haben wir auf beiden Seiten des Fahrrad geübt und dann sie immer auf Seite vom Fahrrad laufen lassen, die von der Strasse weg ist. Das Über dauerte bei uns schon knapp 6 Wochen bis wir dann kleinere Stecken im Strassenverkehr zugetraut haben. Danach langsam steigern und es lief ganz gut.

VG Alva

Anzahl an Kommentaren: 3

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