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Leave the dog alone at home

© Jacob Ammentorp Lund - fotolia.com

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Every dog is at left of its people alone. Depending on the education, race, age and environment he can stay longer or just a little quietly at home. The dog is descended from the Wolf and is a pack animal that wants to remain always in contact with his hounds. One has to get him on the loneliness only step by step. Some dogs tend to depression and take clothing items in your basket.

How long can you leave his dog alone?

Most animal trainers give about 5 hours for a time without a caregiver. Often, dogs are also companions who are 9 hours out House on the work. How can that work?

Dogs rest 15 CA-22 hours a day. Of them, dogs 12 to 14 hours sleep normally on the day. Puppies and old dogs rather at the upper limit of 22 hours. Young adult dogs need rest 15 hours. Therefore, are 9 to over 10 hours alone be possible as long as the dog is healthy and so long well take walk breaks.

There are basically two reasons that dogs can remain not alone. Dogs with separation anxiety are real afraid to stay alone, dogs with loss of control are getting restless, if her man alone is outside of the area, without that she can take care of him.

Dogs with separation anxiety

Dogs with separation anxiety by expressing their fear quite differently.

  • Scratch doors and walls
  • Hectic running around
  • Whining
  • Yelp
  • Strong flow of saliva
  • Hours excited waiting
  • Gentle and submissive welcome
  • Peeing, vomiting

Holder says it's often too good and gives when the dogs howl, whine or beg. For the dog, this is a confirmation of the immediately preceding behaviour and so the dog even more believes that he must E.g. Yelp to not to be left alone.

Causes of separation anxiety

Main cause for the instinctive behavior is the wrong upbringing. As a puppy many dogs through certain behaviors learn from their owners to get what they want. By too much incorrect grant, the wrong behavior is unwittingly trained the dogs.

Because many dog owners simply bring the heart, if your four-legged friend begs, sad looks up to you or after his flight calls with howl, sometimes even training sessions have not have the desired success with dog trainers.

Combat separation anxiety

The fear to work off is usually a therapy over many months with many small exercises, the dog must learn depending on age. As most important exercise, the dog may not always follow. He gets on a dog training area at one point assigned to, which he can't control, E.g. right next to the door.

Remove key stimuli

Then, you should resolve the combination of sounds, behaviors to specific events. Rituals when leaving or entering the apartment give signals, that right now the Pack is resolved or completed the dog. To do this, you can do such as the following:

  • Apartment without shoes put on leave. To you can simply turn off before shoes evening outside the apartment.
  • Take the bunch of keys in the hand, the apartment door close and remain first in the apartment
  • The jacket or the coat dress, and again only stay in the living room on the couch, until the dog has calmed
  • Drink no coffee/tea directly before leaving the apartment
  • Before entering the apartment, give no audible key stimuli, clearly before get I.e. the key out of your Pocket
  • Time use the stairs instead of the elevator to the apartment

Next, he learns to stay alone in a room. The exercise begins with short moments and is then further extended. The exercises must begin shortly so that the dog is unnecessary placed under too much stress. One should be not impatient and constantly bring the dog to the limit of endurance. As often as possible repeat the exercises with peace and patience. Initially, few seconds are already a great success.

As soon as a few minutes alone, don't then after months in a room, you can slowly try briefly to leave the apartment and also here slowly gradually to extend the duration.


The exercises are easier to perform a few minutes after eating, because the dogs are less excited and are usually too tired to eat.

Before leaving the apartment, also chewing bone or chew toys with feed that dog to draw attention help for 15 to 30 minutes.

Several dogs create

If you buy several dogs, separation anxiety from the leader of the Pack is not quite so pronounced and the dogs is also not so quickly get bored. Even if dogs sleep much of the day, so a game partner helps so much, good to spend the day without the people.

Alone in the apartment vs alone in the car

In General, dogs should never alone be left in the car. If you nevertheless times shortly must leave the dog in the car it is usually not a problem and the dog behaves as a significantly more relaxed than at home.

The reason is that we can place the dogs just significantly less attention when driving and this positively affects the behavior easily. You can not always look while driving, how the dog. Howling and whining are forcibly ignored and the dog can produce no direct contact with the people because he usually always separated in the car, connected, will be in a box or in the separate trunk.

Puppy alone at home

Already as early as possible, also puppies should learn that briefly leave a room and is again available. The training pattern approximate those of older dogs, except that you have to be of course more attentive in puppies.

Dogs with loss of control

Especially dominant individual dogs suffer if they can control its people no longer as usual. If the dog shows usually controlling behavior in the home, the likelihood is great that he alone at home also suffers loss of control.

Behavior of a dog which is controlled

  • Prompt the people to do something
  • Irreverent welcome by wild jumping with ears forward-facing
  • Rest on positions with overview and control functions such as door passages
  • Spatially restrict people, E.g. by circling
  • People get in the way
  • Dominant behavior
  • Ways to manage people
  • Frequent track and check in the apartment

Dogs with loss of control have the following behavior

  • Chewing furniture
  • Destroying objects with strong people smell like slippers
  • Hours barking
  • Irreverent welcome by wild jumping with ears forward-facing

Holder says it's often too good and gives when the dogs howl, whine or beg. For the dog, this is a confirmation of the immediately preceding behaviour and so the dog even more believes that he must E.g. Yelp to not to be left alone.

Causes of dogs with loss of control

The main cause for the behavior here is the wrong upbringing. The man should take over the role of Pack leader and lead his dog. Often it is the other way around but and the dog takes over the role of Pack leader and drives to its holder to do anything he just makes a. These dogs then also constantly control the people in the apartment and listen to commands of the owner only when it suits them just in the stuff.

Properly train dogs with loss of control

In dogs with loss of control, one must develop the role of Pack leader to humans. Voluntarily the dog is not so quickly go into the submissive role. To do so he has to learn such as the following:

  • Not over or on height of the people positioned let it rest
  • Do not sleep in the bed
  • Not rest on the couch
  • Do not feed from the dinner table
  • Not feeding before you eat.
  • Not before the people the apartment can leave or enter
  • Do not block the way of the dog can be
  • Before the people welcome let guests
  • Do not prompt the dog to activities such as games can be
  • Bite the dog carelessly or lug can be.

In course of exercising off the above behavior patterns to be additionally that alone with train. See above for details.

Only when the dog no longer thinks the will to control people, he left alone too learn.

Medication support

The months-long therapy can be supported especially in beginning with drugs that stress-reducing effect or be used as antidepressants. But usually this is not necessary, while taking into account the pace of the dog during the exercises. You should never go to the limit of stress.

Dog behavior out of boredom

When dogs are left too long and too often alone develop some creative outside their rest ideas to the apartment to decorate. That has nothing to do with loss of control in a few cases then or be afraid of leaving to do.

Junior and adult dog

Boy dogs learn it much faster than older dogs alone. It is the easiest with puppies. The ability to learn is much more pronounced in young dogs as humans. Learning of the alone his works but in dogs of any age, as long as there are no other factors such as health problems in older dogs.

Dogs from the shelter

Dogs from the shelter can be come already preloaded in the shelters. You can learn details to be kept in the shelters themselves. Also, the dogs suffer rather faster to a fear of leaving.

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Alles für den Hund von Amazon


Sunday, 8 October, 2017 - 22:54


Euren Hund solltet ihr keinesfalls ins Wasser zwingen. Wenn der Hund vehement das Wasser ablehnt, müsste ihr halt besonders an warmen Sommertagen darauf achten eine Überhitzung oder einen Hitzschlag zu vermeiden. Wenn er gezwungen wird, manifestiert sich die Angst nur noch mehr und es wird nur noch schwieriger.
Wir haben mit unserem Hund einfach mit einem Holzstock am Strand Aportierspiele gespielt. Dabei ist der Holzstock am Anfang immer auf dem Boden gelandet. Danach haben wir den Stock immer öfter in  das seichte Wasser geworfen. Am Ende gingen vereinzelt Würfe ins tiefere Wasser und die Hunde konnten bereits eine ganz kurze Strecke schwimmen. Wir haben den Kontakt mit dem Wasser dann meist mit einem Leckerli belohnt.

LG Nika


Anzahl an Kommentaren: 4
Tuesday, 17 January, 2017 - 22:12

Grüß Gott,

wir haben unseren Weimaraner das Verhalten nach 4 Treffen in der Hundeschule abtrainiert. Unglaublich wie gut das zusammen mit anderen Hunden funktioniert hat. Wir sind da durch Zufall an die Hundegruppe gekommen und mussten nur wenig mit unserem üben. Er kann schon viele Kommandos und führt die auch schnell und begeistert durch. Lediglich das Anspringen war noch eine schwierige Geschichte, die wir einfach nicht selbst hingekriegt haben.

In der Schule haben wir auch nichts anderes trainiert, als das was wir zu Hause innerhalb der Familie geübt haben. Die Gruppendynamik wirkt also auch bei Hunden. Ich kann es nur empfehlen! Belohnung beim ruhigen Verhalten und Ignorieren bei falschen Verhalten und das in einer Gruppe mit 5 Hunden :) War super!

Grüße und ein tolles Wochenende

Anzahl an Kommentaren: 11
Wednesday, 13 November, 2019 - 22:03


uns hat es geholfen, die Fütterungszeiten für das Training zu ändern. Wir haben während der Sommerferien die Fütterung in der Früh ausgesetzt und sind einfach  mit der Portion  Futter rüber in den Park zum Training. Das haben wir dann konsequent die ganzen Ferien durchgezogen. Unser Hund war deutlich stärker auf mich fokusiert, da er Hunger hatte und hat die Kommandos schon von Beginn an ziemlich gut befolgt.

Dass Training kann man so ja nicht ewig durchführen und  bei jungen Hunden sollten man keine Wunder erwarten. Im Prinzip verhalten sich junge Hunde wie kleine Kinder oder Jugendliche. So regagiert ein Kind beim Spielen auch nach mehreren Aufrufen nicht, weil ein Spielzeug in diesem Moment viel interessanter als die Eltern.

Wenn man nun mit einer Schleppleine trainiert kann man ein ignoriertes Rückrufkommando einfach mit einer kürzeren Leine bestrafen. Für das Training braucht man allerdings ein Geduld :)

LG Joyce

Anzahl an Kommentaren: 7
Monday, 23 January, 2017 - 22:29


Das Klicker Training ist ziemlich gut, aber man muss auch schnell reagieren. Wir haben beim Fressnapf einfach mal einen Klicker mitgenommen und mit unserem Hund ausprobiert. Anfangs mit mässigem Erfolg, weil wir zu langsam geklickert haben. Da muss man sich echt beeilen. Die Hunde sind nicht in der Lage für lange Zeit den Zusammenhang zwischen ihrem Verhalten und unserer Reaktion darauf darzustellen. Ihr habt dafür ungefähr eine Sekunde um ihn mit dem Klicker die Belohnung anzukündigen. In der Praxis ist das echt wenig Zeit um den richtigen Moment bei einer Übung zu erwischen. Macht man es falsch lobt man im schlimmsten Fall das falsche Verhalten und alles wird schlimmer :)

GLG Svenja

Anzahl an Kommentaren: 10
Saturday, 11 March, 2017 - 23:30

Moin moin

Klicker sind die besten Hundetrainer :) Keine andere Trainingshilfe hat so gut geholfen unserer Kleinen viele Kunststück beizubringen. Was vorher 50 Wiederholungen über Tage gebraucht hat bis sie ein Kunststück mit ner Menge Leckerlis gelernt hat, dauert jetzt nur noch halb so lang. Ausserdem braucht man nicht so viele Leckerlis, was ja auch nicht schlecht ist:)

Grüße Georg

Anzahl an Kommentaren: 10

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